ASFTP Washington Online Program provides food protection / management training and facilitates access to the official certification exam.
The course through video, animations and audio- communicates years of expert food science and sanitation research and professional food industry experience; along with the latest FDA Food Code updates.
Course objective is to educate, and instill an environmental health, food science and sanitation culture so that the manager can implement what is learned, and communicate it easily and efficiently to the rest of the team.
Fun and simple interactive puzzles at the end of each lesson, help and assist in information absorption and retention.
ASFTP Washington Online Program is tailored to run smoothly on all smart phones, tablets and computers. You can start and stop anywhere. Log back in, and continue where you left off. Replay, repeat any lesson, throughout the course. It is self paced, and you choose how quickly you geth through your lessons. You, control your time.
In short ASFTP Washington Online Program provides all knowledge necessary to pass any of the ANSI accredited Food Protection Manager Approved Exams. Simple instructions are provided under our section: "Online Testing", on our site navigation menu, so you can complete your certification easily.
You will need 75% to pass. Upon passing the exam successfully, you will receive your 5yr Food Protection Manager Certification License. For more details, please see our "FAQ" section in our site navigation menu.
A few of the lessons covered
-The Vital Importance of Safe Food Handling Awareness
-Foodborne Illness: A Better Understanding
-Biological, Chemical and Physical Hazards
-Common Foodborne Illnesses and Intoxications & Toxins
-Flow Of Food
-A.L.E.R.T. systems
-Cleaning and Sanitizing
-Pest Control
-HACCP systems
Practice Examination, Educational Material and much much more.
ASFTP Washington Online Program Price Includes: Course and easy to follow instructions via our site, on how to take your compliance certification examination online, anywhere you may be, in the continental United States.
​Course and Exam
Language Options
English and Spanish
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State Requirements: Demonstrate knowledge.
Food Protection Manager: Although certification is not required, food workers must demonstrate knowledge and passing an accredited Food Safety Manager certification exam is one way to meet the requirement.
Food Handlers: Food Handler cards are required and must be obtained within 14 calendar days of beginning work.
Exceptions: Food Handler cards are issued by the state of Washington.
Manager Training Hours: Recommended but not required.
Food Handler Course: Specific training regulations.
Food Manager Certification and Food Handler Certificate Renewal: Food Manager every 5 years; Food Handler every 2 years,
Please check with your local jurisdiction or regulatory body for the most current information.
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Food Worker Card
Washington State requires that all food workers have food safety training before handling food served to the public. Food workers who take a food safety training class and pass the State of Washington exam on food safety basics are issued a Food Worker Card (also called a Food Handler Permit).
Am I a food worker?
You are a food worker if you work with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or with any surface where people put unwrapped food.
Do I need to get a food worker card?
Yes. All food workers are required (Chapter 246-217 WAC) to have a valid food worker card to work in Washington. It's important that your card, or a copy of it, is with you at work and available for the health department to check during a food inspection.
Can I start work before I get my card?
Yes, you can work for up to 14 days before you get your card – if you get food safety training from your employer.
Where can I get a food worker card?
Local health departments offer the food worker training, test, and card. Your card is valid throughout the state.
Can I get my food worker card online?
Yes, all local health departments offer the food worker training, test, and card online. The only authorized online training program is www.foodworkercard.wa.gov. Other websites that appear to offer a similar card online are not valid in Washington.
Trouble with the online training, test, or printing of the card? See the online food worker card frequently asked questions or contact the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at FoodWorkerCard@tpchd.org or 253-798-6145.
What does a card cost?
A food worker card cost $10. Once you have a food worker card, we recommend that you keep the original and provide a copy to your employer.
Can I work anywhere in Washington with my card?
Yes. You can use your valid Washington State food worker card anywhere in Washington. If you move or get another job in a different county, your food worker card goes with you.
Can I use a card I got in another state?
No. You must have a Washington State food worker card to be employed as a food worker in our state.
Is there a study guide for the food safety exam?
Yes. Food and Beverage Workers' Manual is a study guide to help prepare you for the food safety training class and exam. The manual is available in seven languages, including Braille upon request.
I lost my card. Can I get a replacement?
Yes. If you got your card online, sign back in to www.foodworkercard.wa.gov. After you select your language and follow the prompts, select “Returning User.” You will need to enter your registration information and answer your security question exactly as you entered it when you were a new user. Choose “Replace My Valid Food Worker Card.”A payment may be required.
If you got your card at an in-person class, contact your local health department to see how to get a replacement.
How often must I renew my card?
Your first food worker card is valid for 2 years. Before the card expires, you must take the food safety training class and pass the exam again. Renewal cards after that are valid for 3 or 5 years.
Can I get a renewal card if I have a current valid card?
Yes, you may apply for a renewal card if your current card is less than 2 years old (a current card that will not expire until 1 to 60 days after you get your renewal card.) You must show your current valid card when you apply for a renewal.
Do renewal cards last longer than my first card?
Yes, renewal cards are valid for 3 years from the issue date. You can get a renewal card if you take a food worker training class and pass the Washington State exam.
Is there a renewal card for people who have extra training?
Yes. You can receive a 5-year renewal food worker card, if you have a current card and can show that you have had "additional food safety training" within the past 2 years.
What do I need to qualify for a 5-year card?
Successfully complete the requirements for a food worker card renewal (attend the food safety training and pass the exam).
Have proof of successfully completing "additional food safety training" within 2 years prior to the food worker card renewal. (For example, if the renewal card is issued on 3/1/2016, then the "additional food safety training" must have been completed on or after 3/1/2014.)
More questions?
Contact your local health department, food safety program with other questions about food worker cards and food safety training classes.
Please visit this link for more information: