We have over 26 years experience helping the food beverage industry feed and provide drink to the general public, in a safe and wholesome manner. We have aided in consultation, from emergency abatement, as Health Dept Intermediaries between Health Dept Officials , to helping our Client resolve and abate any issues and help them come to a final resolution, by helping our Client reach compliance and certification in a timely manner.
We also do onsite private audits for your establishment before the official unexpected and unannounced Health Inspection Occurs. And any Food and Beverage Safety adjacent needs, where we can help you in your unique circumstance or specific problem, task. Always feel free to call or contact us to assist you.
how it all began.
ASFTP had it's birth pangs in 1998. Officially established in 2002. Literally thousands of hours of instruction and countless hours of driving and traveling to different states and throughout individual states to aid and certify, consult with our clients. When the Food Manager Certification requirement was initiated, back in 1998, one of our veterans, Tony Barajas, was one of the first to help the retail food industry, in his home state of California, get on that learning curve as per that new compliance requirement. He would later travel to other states to conduct these workshops and proctoring services. Never before had it been required to take an 80 question test, proctored, by memory closed book. And have this certification expire every 5 years to only have to re-take the test. It was definitely a higher standard, that the food industry had to adapt to. Tony once had a class of 150 people. He traveled/drove in the span of 6 months over 40,000 miles just in California. He has helped large chains, tiny hole in the wall mom and pops, and every type of food related business you can think of. Both in English and Spanish. We have had the pleasure to have on our team, experienced, retired Health Inspectors help teach and proctor for our clients as well. Throughout the years, we have established, long lasting, well established bonds with Health and Safety Officials. We have had the pleasure to help reputable supermarket chains; open new stores in new locations, per that locations local health dept requirements and compliance requirements. Food trucks, coffee shops, snack stands, liquor stores, gas stations, any establishment that is allowed to sell a refrigerated temperature controlled good, typically needs to have their food certification compliance certification.
You have any further questions?
please call or email.
1-888-851-3663(food) If we cannot pick up, please be so kind to let it ring and leave a detailed message.
land line: 818-988-2941